FAQ & Answers About Our Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Job Board

Q: How many unique visitors does Pharmaopportunities board receive each month?
A: Pharmaopportunities receives 30k unique visitors per month, and this number is increasing.

Q: How many page views does Pharmaopportunities.com receive per month?
A: Pharmaopportunities.com currently receives over 200k page views per month, and is growing.

Q: How does Pharmaopportunities find its candidates?
A: We actively recruit and attract job-seeking candidates through Trade Shows, Online Marketing, Industry Trades, Various Databases, Referrals, and Networking.

Q: What are the are the rates for posting jobs, searching the resume database and other advertising cost?
A: Our job postings and resume database rates can be found by Clicking here

Q: Which areas are most jobseekers typically from who post their resumes on Pharmaopportunities.com?
A: The top 5 areas are Pharmaceutical Sales, Research and Development, Quality, Manufacturing, and Clinical.

Q: Which states are Pharmaopportunities.com jobseekers from?
A: Our jobseekers originate from the following states. California - 30% New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania – 40% Maryland -10% Midwest- 10% North Carolina – 10%

Q: What percentage of jobseekers are from the Pharmaceutical, Biotech, Medical Device and Pharmacy industry?
A: Our jobseekers are from the following industries:
70% Pharmaceutical & Biotech 15% Pharmacy 10% Medical Device 5% Clinical Research Organization

Q: What is the percentage of entry level, middle level and director level professionals visit Pharmaopportunities.com?
A: The percentage of entry, middle and director level professionals are: 25% Entry Level 55% Middle Level 15%Director Level 5% Consultant

Q: How much experience in the life science and healthcare industry do the jobseekers have who visit Pharmaopportunities.com?
A: Our jobseekers have the following amount of experience. 35% 1-3 years of experience 23% 4 to 6 years of experience 20% 7 to 10 years of experience 12% over 10 years of experience 10% consulting experience which spans from 2-12 years

Q: What percent of jobseekers on Pharmaopportunities.com have Bachelors, Masters and PhD’s?
A: The percentage of users that have degrees are:
45 %of users hold a Bachelor’s Degree 20% of users hold a Master’s Degree 13% hold a Doctoral Degree 12% hold a certificate or technical training degree

Q: How many visitors return each month to look for jobs on Pharmaopportunities.com?
A: 80% of our visitors return to Pharmaopportunities.com twice a month or more to look for new jobs.

Q: How long do job postings stay active?
A: You can choose to have your job postings active for 30 days or 60 days.

Q: Do you offer a discount for agencies?
A: We do offer a 10-15 percent discount for agencies

Q: Is the pricing for job postings, resume database access and other advertising net or gross?
A: Our advertising rates are gross

Q: How can I extend a job posting?
A: Contact Us with the job postings title, company name and we will repost it for you for free.

Q: How can I find out if someone has applied to my job posting?
A: You can login to your account and you will be able to see how many clicks, searches and resumes you received for your job posting. You will also receive an email notification that someone has applied to your job postings along with his/her resume.